It’s safe to say that there are different degrees to how seriously people take their man caves, home theaters, games rooms, family rooms, etc when it comes to customizing the look and feel of the place to best reflect their passions and interests.
For some that might mean sticking up a few movie posters and getting a neon sign or two in but for others with a lot of time and seemingly limitless pocketbooks it means going above and beyond the call that has resulted in some truly stunning home theaters.
I enjoy going to the cinema a lot but what I don’t enjoy are loud and obnoxious kids, sky high prices for drinks and popcorn and a whole host of other minor annoyances I could do without. Oh yeah, it would be awesome if I could pause the movie when I need the loo in the middle of the most important scene as well.
For all these reasons home theaters are becoming more and more popular and more affordable as well. If you are interested in starting your own home theater then jump on over to our Home Theater Projector Buyers Guide to learn more.
But enough about affordability and sensible purchases. We are here to see some of the craziest and coolest home theaters when money apparently becomes no object!
Let’s get in to it!